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topography module

get_chili(bbox_input=None, initialize_ee=True)

Fetches Continuous Heat-Insolation Load Index (CHILI) data for a given bounding box.

Description: CHILI is a topographic index that quantifies the combined effect of solar radiation and surface temperature. It is derived from the ALOS World 3D - 30m (AW3D30) dataset and is available globally between 70°N and 70°S. The values range from 0 to 1, with classifications warm (0.767,1], cool [0,0.448), and neutral [0.448,0.767].


Name Type Description Default
bbox_input geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame | tuple | shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry | None

GeoDataFrame containing the bounding box, or a tuple of (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), or a Shapely geometry.



Type Description

CHILI DataArray for the specified region.

Source code in easysnowdata/
def get_chili(bbox_input: gpd.GeoDataFrame | tuple | shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry | None = None, initialize_ee: bool = True,
) -> xr.DataArray:
    Fetches Continuous Heat-Insolation Load Index (CHILI) data for a given bounding box. 

    CHILI is a topographic index that quantifies the combined effect of solar radiation and surface temperature.
    It is derived from the ALOS World 3D - 30m (AW3D30) dataset and is available globally between 70°N and 70°S.
    The values range from 0 to 1, with classifications warm (0.767,1], cool [0,0.448), and neutral [0.448,0.767].

    bbox_input : geopandas.GeoDataFrame or tuple or shapely.Geometry
        GeoDataFrame containing the bounding box, or a tuple of (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), or a Shapely geometry.

        CHILI DataArray for the specified region.

    >>> import geopandas as gpd
    >>> easysnowdata
    >>> # Define a bounding box for an area of interest
    >>> bbox = (-122.5, 47.0, -121.5, 48.0)
    >>> # Fetch CHILI data
    >>> chili_data = easysnowdata.remote_sensing.get_chili(bbox)
    >>> # Plot the data
    >>> chili_data.plot(cmap='viridis')

    - CHILI data is only available for latitudes between 70°N and 70°S.
    - The function uses Google Earth Engine to access the dataset.

    Data citation:
    Theobald, D.M., Harrison-Atlas, D., Monahan, W.B., Albano, C.M. (2015).
    Ecologically-Relevant Maps of Landforms and Physiographic Diversity for Climate Adaptation Planning.
    PLoS ONE 10(12): e0143619.

    # Initialize Earth Engine with high-volume endpoint
    if initialize_ee == True:
        print(f'Initialization turned off. If you haven\'t already, please sign in to Google Earth Engine by running the following code:\n\nimport ee\nee.Authenticate()\nee.Initialize()\n\n')

    # Convert the input to a GeoDataFrame if it's not already one
    bbox_gdf = convert_bbox_to_geodataframe(bbox_input)
    # Access the CHILI dataset
    image = ee.Image("CSP/ERGo/1_0/Global/ALOS_CHILI")
    image_collection = ee.ImageCollection(image)

    # Get projection information
    crs = image.projection().getInfo()['crs']
    transform = image.projection().getInfo()['transform']

    # Load the data using xarray and Earth Engine
    chili_da = xr.open_dataset(image_collection, engine='ee', geometry=tuple(bbox_gdf.total_bounds), projection=ee.Projection(crs=crs,transform=transform)).drop_vars('time').squeeze()['constant'].squeeze().transpose().rio.set_spatial_dims(x_dim='lon', y_dim='lat')
    # maybe add chunks={} here to lazy load data

    # Clip the data to the bounding box
    chili_da =*bbox_gdf.total_bounds,

    # Check if data is available for the specified region
    if chili_da.isnull().all().item():
        print("No CHILI data available for this location. CHILI data is only available for latitudes between 70°N and 70°S.")

    chili_da = (chili_da - chili_da.min()) / (chili_da.max() - chili_da.min())

    chili_da.attrs['data_citation'] = "Theobald, D.M., Harrison-Atlas, D., Monahan, W.B., Albano, C.M. (2015). Ecologically-Relevant Maps of Landforms and Physiographic Diversity for Climate Adaptation Planning. PLoS ONE 10(12): e0143619."

    return chili_da

get_copernicus_dem(bbox_input=None, resolution=30)

Fetches 30m or 90m Copernicus DEM from Microsoft Planetary Computer.

This function retrieves the Copernicus Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data for a specified bounding box and resolution. The DEM represents the surface of the Earth including buildings, infrastructure, and vegetation.


Name Type Description Default
bbox_input geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame | tuple | shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry | None

GeoDataFrame containing the bounding box, or a tuple of (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), or a Shapely geometry.

resolution int

The resolution of the DEM, either 30 or 90 meters. Default is 30.



Type Description

If the resolution is not 30 or 90 meters.


Type Description

A DataArray containing the Copernicus DEM data for the specified area.

Source code in easysnowdata/
def get_copernicus_dem(bbox_input: gpd.GeoDataFrame | tuple | shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry | None = None,
                       resolution: int = 30
) -> xr.DataArray:
    Fetches 30m or 90m Copernicus DEM from Microsoft Planetary Computer.

    This function retrieves the Copernicus Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data for a specified
    bounding box and resolution. The DEM represents the surface of the Earth including buildings,
    infrastructure, and vegetation.

    bbox_input : geopandas.GeoDataFrame or tuple or Shapely Geometry
        GeoDataFrame containing the bounding box, or a tuple of (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), or a Shapely geometry.
    resolution : int, optional
        The resolution of the DEM, either 30 or 90 meters. Default is 30.

        A DataArray containing the Copernicus DEM data for the specified area.

        If the resolution is not 30 or 90 meters.

    The Copernicus DEM is a Digital Surface Model (DSM) derived from the WorldDEM, with additional
    editing applied to water bodies, coastlines, and other special features.

    Data citation:
    European Space Agency, Sinergise (2021). Copernicus Global Digital Elevation Model.
    Distributed by OpenTopography. Accessed: 2024-03-18
    if resolution != 30 and resolution != 90:
        raise ValueError("Copernicus DEM resolution is available in 30m and 90m. Please select either 30 or 90.")

    # Convert the input to a GeoDataFrame if it's not already one
    bbox_gdf =  convert_bbox_to_geodataframe(bbox_input)

    catalog ="",modifier=planetary_computer.sign_inplace)
    search =[f"cop-dem-glo-{resolution}"],bbox=bbox_gdf.total_bounds)
    cop_dem_da = odc.stac.load(search.items(),bbox=bbox_gdf.total_bounds,chunks={})['data'].squeeze()
    cop_dem_da =,encoded=True)

    return cop_dem_da